- URLBibTeXEndNoteDOIBibSonomy
author = {St{ü}hmer, Roland},
keywords = {RSP},
month = 12,
note = {Dissertation},
publisher = {KIT Scientific Publishing, Karlsruhe},
school = {Karlsruhe Institute of Technology},
title = {Web-oriented Event Processing},
type = {Dissertation},
year = 2014
}%0 Book
%1 Stuehmer2014
%A St{ü}hmer, Roland
%D 2014
%I KIT Scientific Publishing, Karlsruhe
%R 10.5445/KSP/1000043122
%T Web-oriented Event Processing
%U http://digbib.ubka.uni-karlsruhe.de/volltexte/1000043122
%@ 978-3-7315-0265-4
- BibTeXEndNoteBibSonomy
author = {St{ü}hmer, Roland and Verginadis, Yiannis and Alshabani, Iyad and Morsellino, Thomas and Aversa, Antonio},
booktitle = {14th IFIP Working Conference on Virtual Enterprise -- Special Session on Event-Driven Collaborative Networks},
keywords = {SAN},
title = {PLAY: Semantics-based Event Marketplace},
year = 2013
}%0 Conference Paper
%1 Stuhmer2013a
%A St{ü}hmer, Roland
%A Verginadis, Yiannis
%A Alshabani, Iyad
%A Morsellino, Thomas
%A Aversa, Antonio
%B 14th IFIP Working Conference on Virtual Enterprise -- Special Session on Event-Driven Collaborative Networks
%D 2013
%T PLAY: Semantics-based Event Marketplace - BibTeXEndNoteBibSonomy
author = {Stojanovic, Nenad and Stojanovic, Ljiljana and St{ü}hmer, Roland},
booktitle = {to be published in DEBS 2013},
keywords = {PLAY-Project},
title = {Tutorial: Personal Big Data Management in the Cyber-physical Systems -- The Role of Event Processing},
year = 2013
}%0 Conference Paper
%1 Stojanovic2013
%A Stojanovic, Nenad
%A Stojanovic, Ljiljana
%A St{ü}hmer, Roland
%B to be published in DEBS 2013
%D 2013
%T Tutorial: Personal Big Data Management in the Cyber-physical Systems -- The Role of Event Processing
- BibTeXEndNoteBibSonomyDownload
author = {Lauras, Matthieu and Verginadis, Yiannis and St{ü}hmer, Roland and Benaben, Frederick},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 6th IEEE Int. Conf. on Digital Ecosystems and Technologies for Complex Systems, Environment, and Service Engineering IEEE-DEST 2012},
keywords = {ARMINES},
title = {An event-driven platform to manage agility},
year = 2012
}%0 Conference Paper
%1 Lauras2012
%A Lauras, Matthieu
%A Verginadis, Yiannis
%A St{ü}hmer, Roland
%A Benaben, Frederick
%B Proceedings of the 6th IEEE Int. Conf. on Digital Ecosystems and Technologies for Complex Systems, Environment, and Service Engineering IEEE-DEST 2012
%D 2012
%T An event-driven platform to manage agility - URLBibTeXEndNoteBibSonomy
author = {Stojanovic, Nenad and St{ü}hmer, Roland and Gibert, Philippe and Baude, Fran\c{c}oise},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 6th ACM International Conference on Distributed Event-Based Systems},
keywords = {event},
title = {Tutorial: Where Event Processing Grand Challenge meets Real-time Web: PLAY Event Marketplace},
year = 2012
}%0 Conference Paper
%1 Stojanovic2012
%A Stojanovic, Nenad
%A St{ü}hmer, Roland
%A Gibert, Philippe
%A Baude, Fran\c{c}oise
%B Proceedings of the 6th ACM International Conference on Distributed Event-Based Systems
%D 2012
%T Tutorial: Where Event Processing Grand Challenge meets Real-time Web: PLAY Event Marketplace
%U http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=2335521 - BibTeXEndNoteBibSonomy
author = {St{ü}hmer, Roland and Stojanovic, Nenad and Obermeier, Stefan and Gibert, Philippe},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 6th ACM International Conference on Distributed Event-Based Systems},
keywords = {event},
title = {Demo: Where Events Meet Events: PLAY Event Marketplace},
year = 2012
}%0 Conference Paper
%1 Stuhmer2012
%A St{ü}hmer, Roland
%A Stojanovic, Nenad
%A Obermeier, Stefan
%A Gibert, Philippe
%B Proceedings of the 6th ACM International Conference on Distributed Event-Based Systems
%D 2012
%T Demo: Where Events Meet Events: PLAY Event Marketplace
- URLBibTeXEndNoteBibSonomy
author = {Verginadis, Yiannis and Patiniotakis, Ioannis and Papageorgiou, Nikos and St{ü}hmer, Roland},
booktitle = {The Semantic Web: ESWC 2011 Workshops},
editor = {Garc{í}a-Castro, Ra{ú}l and Fensel, Dieter and Antoniou, Grigoris},
keywords = {event},
note = {10.1007/978-3-642-25953-1_16},
pages = {194-201},
publisher = {Springer Berlin / Heidelberg},
series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
title = {Service Adaptation Recommender in the Event Marketplace: Conceptual View},
volume = 7117,
year = 2011
}%0 Book Section
%1 Verginadis2012
%A Verginadis, Yiannis
%A Patiniotakis, Ioannis
%A Papageorgiou, Nikos
%A St{ü}hmer, Roland
%B The Semantic Web: ESWC 2011 Workshops
%D 2011
%E Garc{í}a-Castro, Ra{ú}l
%E Fensel, Dieter
%E Antoniou, Grigoris
%I Springer Berlin / Heidelberg
%P 194-201
%T Service Adaptation Recommender in the Event Marketplace: Conceptual View
%U http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-25953-1_16
%V 7117
%@ 978-3-642-25952-4 - AbstractURLBibTeXEndNoteBibSonomyComplex event processing is about processing huge amounts of information in real time, in a rather complex way. The degree of complexity is determined by the level of the interdependencies between information to be processed. There are several more or less traditional operators for defining these interdependencies, which are supported by existing approaches and the main competition is around the speed (throughput) of processing. However, novel application domains like Future Internet are challenging complex event processing for a more comprehensive approach: from how to create complex event patterns over the heterogeneous event sources (including textual data), to how to efficiently detect them in a distributed setting, including the usage of background knowledge. In this chapter we present an approach for intelligent CEP (iCEP) based on the usage of semantic technologies. It represents an end-to-end solution for iCEP starting from the definition of complex event patterns, through intelligent detection, to advanced 3-D visualization of complex events. At the center of the approach is the semantic model of complex events that alleviates the process of creating and maintaining complex event patterns. The approach utilizes logic-based processing for including domain knowledge in the complex event detection process, leading to complex event reasoning. This approach has been implemented in the web-based framework called iCEP Studio.
abstract = {Complex event processing is about processing huge amounts of information in real time, in a rather complex way. The degree of complexity is determined by the level of the interdependencies between information to be processed. There are several more or less traditional operators for defining these interdependencies, which are supported by existing approaches and the main competition is around the speed (throughput) of processing. However, novel application domains like Future Internet are challenging complex event processing for a more comprehensive approach: from how to create complex event patterns over the heterogeneous event sources (including textual data), to how to efficiently detect them in a distributed setting, including the usage of background knowledge. In this chapter we present an approach for intelligent CEP (iCEP) based on the usage of semantic technologies. It represents an end-to-end solution for iCEP starting from the definition of complex event patterns, through intelligent detection, to advanced 3-D visualization of complex events. At the center of the approach is the semantic model of complex events that alleviates the process of creating and maintaining complex event patterns. The approach utilizes logic-based processing for including domain knowledge in the complex event detection process, leading to complex event reasoning. This approach has been implemented in the web-based framework called iCEP Studio.},
author = {Stojanovic, Nenad and Stojanovic, Ljiljana and Anicic, Darko and Ma, Jun and Sen, Sinan and St{ü}hmer, Roland},
booktitle = {Foundations for the Web of Information and Services},
editor = {Fensel, Dieter},
keywords = {event},
note = {10.1007/978-3-642-19797-0_14},
pages = {253-279},
publisher = {Springer Berlin Heidelberg},
title = {Semantic Complex Event Reasoning -- Beyond Complex Event Processing},
year = 2011
}%0 Book Section
%1 Stojanovic2011
%A Stojanovic, Nenad
%A Stojanovic, Ljiljana
%A Anicic, Darko
%A Ma, Jun
%A Sen, Sinan
%A St{ü}hmer, Roland
%B Foundations for the Web of Information and Services
%D 2011
%E Fensel, Dieter
%I Springer Berlin Heidelberg
%P 253-279
%T Semantic Complex Event Reasoning -- Beyond Complex Event Processing
%U http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-19797-0_14
%X Complex event processing is about processing huge amounts of information in real time, in a rather complex way. The degree of complexity is determined by the level of the interdependencies between information to be processed. There are several more or less traditional operators for defining these interdependencies, which are supported by existing approaches and the main competition is around the speed (throughput) of processing. However, novel application domains like Future Internet are challenging complex event processing for a more comprehensive approach: from how to create complex event patterns over the heterogeneous event sources (including textual data), to how to efficiently detect them in a distributed setting, including the usage of background knowledge. In this chapter we present an approach for intelligent CEP (iCEP) based on the usage of semantic technologies. It represents an end-to-end solution for iCEP starting from the definition of complex event patterns, through intelligent detection, to advanced 3-D visualization of complex events. At the center of the approach is the semantic model of complex events that alleviates the process of creating and maintaining complex event patterns. The approach utilizes logic-based processing for including domain knowledge in the complex event detection process, leading to complex event reasoning. This approach has been implemented in the web-based framework called iCEP Studio.
%@ 978-3-642-19797-0 - AbstractURLBibTeXEndNoteBibSonomyComplex Event Processing (CEP) is concerned with timely detection of complex events within multiple streams of atomic occurrences, and has useful applications in areas including financial services, mobile and sensor devices, click stream analysis and so forth. In this chapter, we present ETALIS Language for Events. It is an expressive language for specifying and combining complex events. For this language we provide both a syntax as well as a clear declarative formal semantics. The execution model of the language is based on a compilation strategy into Prolog. We provide an implementation of the language, and present experimental results of our running prototype. Further on, we show how our logic rule-based approach compares with a non-logic approach in respect of performance.
abstract = {Complex Event Processing (CEP) is concerned with timely detection of complex events within multiple streams of atomic occurrences, and has useful applications in areas including financial services, mobile and sensor devices, click stream analysis and so forth. In this chapter, we present ETALIS Language for Events. It is an expressive language for specifying and combining complex events. For this language we provide both a syntax as well as a clear declarative formal semantics. The execution model of the language is based on a compilation strategy into Prolog. We provide an implementation of the language, and present experimental results of our running prototype. Further on, we show how our logic rule-based approach compares with a non-logic approach in respect of performance.},
author = {Anicic, Darko and Fodor, Paul and Rudolph, Sebastian and St{ü}hmer, Roland and Stojanovic, Nenad and Studer, Rudi},
booktitle = {Reasoning in Event-Based Distributed Systems},
editor = {Helmer, Sven and Poulovassilis, Alexandra and Xhafa, Fatos},
keywords = {event},
note = {10.1007/978-3-642-19724-6_5},
pages = {99-124},
publisher = {Springer Berlin / Heidelberg},
series = {Studies in Computational Intelligence},
title = {ETALIS: Rule-Based Reasoning in Event Processing},
volume = 347,
year = 2011
}%0 Book Section
%1 Anicic2011a
%A Anicic, Darko
%A Fodor, Paul
%A Rudolph, Sebastian
%A St{ü}hmer, Roland
%A Stojanovic, Nenad
%A Studer, Rudi
%B Reasoning in Event-Based Distributed Systems
%D 2011
%E Helmer, Sven
%E Poulovassilis, Alexandra
%E Xhafa, Fatos
%I Springer Berlin / Heidelberg
%P 99-124
%T ETALIS: Rule-Based Reasoning in Event Processing
%U http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-19724-6_5
%V 347
%X Complex Event Processing (CEP) is concerned with timely detection of complex events within multiple streams of atomic occurrences, and has useful applications in areas including financial services, mobile and sensor devices, click stream analysis and so forth. In this chapter, we present ETALIS Language for Events. It is an expressive language for specifying and combining complex events. For this language we provide both a syntax as well as a clear declarative formal semantics. The execution model of the language is based on a compilation strategy into Prolog. We provide an implementation of the language, and present experimental results of our running prototype. Further on, we show how our logic rule-based approach compares with a non-logic approach in respect of performance. - URLBibTeXEndNoteDOIBibSonomy
address = {New York, NY, USA},
author = {St{ü}hmer, Roland and Stojanovic, Nenad},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 5th ACM International Conference on Distributed Event-Based Systems},
keywords = {event},
pages = {403--404},
publisher = {ACM},
series = {DEBS '11},
title = {Large-scale, situation-driven and quality-aware Event Marketplace: The Concept, Challenges and Opportunities -- Poster},
year = 2011
}%0 Conference Paper
%1 Stuhmer2011
%A St{ü}hmer, Roland
%A Stojanovic, Nenad
%B Proceedings of the 5th ACM International Conference on Distributed Event-Based Systems
%C New York, NY, USA
%D 2011
%P 403--404
%R http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/2002259.2002332
%T Large-scale, situation-driven and quality-aware Event Marketplace: The Concept, Challenges and Opportunities -- Poster
%U http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/2002259.2002332
%@ 978-1-4503-0423-8
- URLBibTeXEndNoteBibSonomy
author = {Wagner, Andreas and Anicic, Darko and St{ü}hmer, Roland and Stojanovic, Nenad and Harth, Andreas and Studer, Rudi},
booktitle = {Proc. of Linked Data in the Future Internet at the Future Internet Assembly},
crossref = {CEUR-WS.org/Vol-700},
keywords = {CEP},
title = {Linked Data and Complex Event Processing for the Smart Energy Grid},
year = 2010
}%0 Conference Paper
%1 Wagner2010
%A Wagner, Andreas
%A Anicic, Darko
%A St{ü}hmer, Roland
%A Stojanovic, Nenad
%A Harth, Andreas
%A Studer, Rudi
%B Proc. of Linked Data in the Future Internet at the Future Internet Assembly
%D 2010
%T Linked Data and Complex Event Processing for the Smart Energy Grid
%U http://CEUR-WS.org/Vol-700/Paper10.pdf
- AbstractURLBibTeXEndNoteBibSonomyRich Internet Applications provide, in conjunction with Internet push technologies, a powerful framework to bring use cases formerly reserved to server applications to the client, and to ease their use. In this paper we present a novel approach of monitoring and processing event streams directly in the browser. Our proposed general-purpose framework aims at the design of event-driven, reactive and adaptive Rich Internet Applications. We propose to interweave complex event processing with declarative rule execution directly on the client-side. Our work is based on a novel event-condition-action rule language tailored to the needs of Rich Internet Applications as well as algorithms capable of detecting complex events and executing rules. The whole approach will be illustrated by means of an example originating from the field of algorithmic stock trading.
abstract = {Rich Internet Applications provide, in conjunction with Internet push technologies, a powerful framework to bring use cases formerly reserved to server applications to the client, and to ease their use. In this paper we present a novel approach of monitoring and processing event streams directly in the browser. Our proposed general-purpose framework aims at the design of event-driven, reactive and adaptive Rich Internet Applications. We propose to interweave complex event processing with declarative rule execution directly on the client-side. Our work is based on a novel event-condition-action rule language tailored to the needs of Rich Internet Applications as well as algorithms capable of detecting complex events and executing rules. The whole approach will be illustrated by means of an example originating from the field of algorithmic stock trading.},
author = {Schmidt, Kay-Uwe and St{ü}hmer, Roland and Stojanovic, Ljiljana},
booktitle = {The 2009 AAAI Spring Symposium on Intelligent Event Processing},
editor = {Stojanovic, Nenad and Abecker, Andreas and Etzion, Opher and Paschke, Adrian},
keywords = {event},
month = {03},
organization = {Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence},
pages = {67--72},
title = {Gaining Reactivity for Rich Internet Applications by Introducing Client-side Complex Event Processing and Declarative Rules},
year = 2009
}%0 Conference Paper
%1 Schmidt2009
%A Schmidt, Kay-Uwe
%A St{ü}hmer, Roland
%A Stojanovic, Ljiljana
%B The 2009 AAAI Spring Symposium on Intelligent Event Processing
%D 2009
%E Stojanovic, Nenad
%E Abecker, Andreas
%E Etzion, Opher
%E Paschke, Adrian
%P 67--72
%T Gaining Reactivity for Rich Internet Applications by Introducing Client-side Complex Event Processing and Declarative Rules
%U http://www.aaai.org/Papers/Symposia/Spring/2009/SS-09-05/SS09-05-012.pdf
%X Rich Internet Applications provide, in conjunction with Internet push technologies, a powerful framework to bring use cases formerly reserved to server applications to the client, and to ease their use. In this paper we present a novel approach of monitoring and processing event streams directly in the browser. Our proposed general-purpose framework aims at the design of event-driven, reactive and adaptive Rich Internet Applications. We propose to interweave complex event processing with declarative rule execution directly on the client-side. Our work is based on a novel event-condition-action rule language tailored to the needs of Rich Internet Applications as well as algorithms capable of detecting complex events and executing rules. The whole approach will be illustrated by means of an example originating from the field of algorithmic stock trading.
%@ 978-1-57735-412-3 - URLBibTeXEndNoteDOIBibSonomy
author = {Schmidt, Kay-Uwe and St{ü}hmer, Roland and D{ö}rflinger, J{ö}rg and Rahmani, Tirdad and Thomas, Susan and Stojanovic, Ljiljana},
booktitle = {Web 2.0 \& Semantic Web (Annals of Information Systems)},
chapter = {Adaptive Reactive Rich Internet Applications},
edition = 1,
keywords = {event},
pages = {79--102},
publisher = {Springer},
series = {Annals of Information Systems},
title = {Adaptive Reactive Rich Internet Applications},
volume = 6,
year = 2009
}%0 Book Section
%1 Schmidt2009b
%A Schmidt, Kay-Uwe
%A St{ü}hmer, Roland
%A D{ö}rflinger, J{ö}rg
%A Rahmani, Tirdad
%A Thomas, Susan
%A Stojanovic, Ljiljana
%B Web 2.0 \& Semantic Web (Annals of Information Systems)
%D 2009
%I Springer
%P 79--102
%R {10.1007/978-1-4419-1219-0_4}
%T Adaptive Reactive Rich Internet Applications
%U http://www.springerlink.com/content/g983r35t118628kt/
%V 6
%7 1
%& Adaptive Reactive Rich Internet Applications
%@ 978-1-4419-1218-3 (Print) 978-1-4419-1219-0 (Online) - BibTeXEndNoteBibSonomy
address = {Washington, DC, USA},
author = {Anicic, Darko and Fodor, Paul and St{ü}hmer, Roland and Stojanovic, Nenad},
booktitle = {CSE '09: Proceedings of the 2009 12th IEEE International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering},
keywords = {event},
publisher = {IEEE Computer Society},
title = {Event-driven Approach for Logic-based Complex Event Processing},
year = 2009
}%0 Conference Paper
%1 Anicic2009
%A Anicic, Darko
%A Fodor, Paul
%A St{ü}hmer, Roland
%A Stojanovic, Nenad
%B CSE '09: Proceedings of the 2009 12th IEEE International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering
%C Washington, DC, USA
%D 2009
%I IEEE Computer Society
%T Event-driven Approach for Logic-based Complex Event Processing - URLBibTeXEndNoteDOIBibSonomy
author = {St{ü}hmer, Roland and Anicic, Darko and Sen, Sinan and Ma, Jun and Schmidt, Kay-Uwe and Stojanovic, Nenad},
booktitle = {The Semantic Web - {ISWC} 2009},
keywords = {event},
pages = {893--908},
publisher = {Springer Berlin / Heidelberg},
series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
title = {Lifting events in RDF from interactions with annotated Web pages},
volume = 5823,
year = 2009
}%0 Conference Paper
%1 Stuhmer2009a
%A St{ü}hmer, Roland
%A Anicic, Darko
%A Sen, Sinan
%A Ma, Jun
%A Schmidt, Kay-Uwe
%A Stojanovic, Nenad
%B The Semantic Web - {ISWC} 2009
%D 2009
%I Springer Berlin / Heidelberg
%P 893--908
%R 10.1007/978-3-642-04930-9_56
%T Lifting events in RDF from interactions with annotated Web pages
%U http://www.springerlink.com/content/008044l13481144k/
%V 5823
%@ 978-3-642-04929-3 - URLBibTeXEndNoteDOIBibSonomy
author = {St{ü}hmer, Roland and Anicic, Darko and Sen, Sinan and Ma, Jun and Schmidt, Kay-Uwe and Stojanovic, Nenad},
booktitle = {On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems: {OTM} 2009},
keywords = {event},
pages = {1069-1086},
publisher = {Springer Berlin / Heidelberg},
series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
title = {Client-side Event Processing for Personalized Web Advertisement},
volume = 5871,
year = 2009
}%0 Conference Paper
%1 Stuhmer2009b
%A St{ü}hmer, Roland
%A Anicic, Darko
%A Sen, Sinan
%A Ma, Jun
%A Schmidt, Kay-Uwe
%A Stojanovic, Nenad
%B On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems: {OTM} 2009
%D 2009
%I Springer Berlin / Heidelberg
%P 1069-1086
%R 10.1007/978-3-642-05151-7_23
%T Client-side Event Processing for Personalized Web Advertisement
%U http://www.springerlink.com/content/j73n31038362617u/
%V 5871
%@ 978-3-642-05150-0
- AbstractURLBibTeXEndNoteBibSonomyModern event-driven applications implement sophisticated and highly specialized algorithms for detecting and correlating events from event streams or clouds. The correlation logic and resulting actions are declaratively defined as EA (event action) rules. An EA language allows the definition of complex correlation rules with the help of logical, temporal, content-based and other operators. On the other hand, production rule systems provide a declarative means to express and compute CA (condition action) rules. CA rules define constraints. The most prominent scientific and commercial production rule systems rely on the RETE algorithm in order to efficiently compute CA rules. As the industry is on the way towards a loosely coupled service-oriented and eventdriven architecture, there is a high demand for an integrated solution of computing ECA (event condition action) rules. In this paper we give a survey of already finished as well as ongoing research in the field of combining event processing algorithms with the RETE algorithm. We compare the different approaches and present our approach of combining SnoopIB, a specialized event detection algorithm, with the RETE algorithm.
abstract = {Modern event-driven applications implement sophisticated and highly specialized algorithms for detecting and correlating events from event streams or clouds. The correlation logic and resulting actions are declaratively defined as EA (event action) rules. An EA language allows the definition of complex correlation rules with the help of logical, temporal, content-based and other operators. On the other hand, production rule systems provide a declarative means to express and compute CA (condition action) rules. CA rules define constraints. The most prominent scientific and commercial production rule systems rely on the RETE algorithm in order to efficiently compute CA rules. As the industry is on the way towards a loosely coupled service-oriented and eventdriven architecture, there is a high demand for an integrated solution of computing ECA (event condition action) rules. In this paper we give a survey of already finished as well as ongoing research in the field of combining event processing algorithms with the RETE algorithm. We compare the different approaches and present our approach of combining SnoopIB, a specialized event detection algorithm, with the RETE algorithm.},
author = {Schmidt, Kay-Uwe and St{ü}hmer, Roland and Stojanovic, Ljiljana},
booktitle = {iCEP2008: 1st International workshop on Complex Event Processing for the Future Internet colocated with the Future Internet Symposium (FIS2008)},
editor = {Anicic, Darko and Brelage, Christian and Etzion, Opher and Stojanovic, Nenad},
keywords = {event},
month = {09},
publisher = {CEUR Workshop Proceedings (CEUR-WS.org, ISSN 1613-0073)},
title = {Blending Complex Event Processing with the RETE Algorithm},
volume = {Vol-412},
year = 2008
}%0 Conference Paper
%1 Schmidt2008c
%A Schmidt, Kay-Uwe
%A St{ü}hmer, Roland
%A Stojanovic, Ljiljana
%B iCEP2008: 1st International workshop on Complex Event Processing for the Future Internet colocated with the Future Internet Symposium (FIS2008)
%D 2008
%E Anicic, Darko
%E Brelage, Christian
%E Etzion, Opher
%E Stojanovic, Nenad
%I CEUR Workshop Proceedings (CEUR-WS.org, ISSN 1613-0073)
%T Blending Complex Event Processing with the RETE Algorithm
%U http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-412/paper3.pdf
%V Vol-412
%X Modern event-driven applications implement sophisticated and highly specialized algorithms for detecting and correlating events from event streams or clouds. The correlation logic and resulting actions are declaratively defined as EA (event action) rules. An EA language allows the definition of complex correlation rules with the help of logical, temporal, content-based and other operators. On the other hand, production rule systems provide a declarative means to express and compute CA (condition action) rules. CA rules define constraints. The most prominent scientific and commercial production rule systems rely on the RETE algorithm in order to efficiently compute CA rules. As the industry is on the way towards a loosely coupled service-oriented and eventdriven architecture, there is a high demand for an integrated solution of computing ECA (event condition action) rules. In this paper we give a survey of already finished as well as ongoing research in the field of combining event processing algorithms with the RETE algorithm. We compare the different approaches and present our approach of combining SnoopIB, a specialized event detection algorithm, with the RETE algorithm. - AbstractBibTeXEndNoteBibSonomyDownloadState of the art event-driven Rich Internet Applications (RIAs) rely on technologies like the Comet architecture or polling strategies like RSS feeds to provide a basic infrastructure for transporting events to the Web client. However, such RIAs provide no means for further processing of these events. This gap will be closed by the approach proposed in this thesis. The approach combines complex event processing and rule execution with an ontology-based object model directly on the Web client. A framework is proposed, built on declarative rules for achieving reactive and adaptive RIAs. The work consists of a novel event-condition-action rule language tailored to the needs of RIAs as well as a client-side rule engine capable of detecting complex events and executing rules.
abstract = {State of the art event-driven Rich Internet Applications (RIAs) rely on technologies like the Comet architecture or polling strategies like RSS feeds to provide a basic infrastructure for transporting events to the Web client. However, such RIAs provide no means for further processing of these events. This gap will be closed by the approach proposed in this thesis. The approach combines complex event processing and rule execution with an ontology-based object model directly on the Web client. A framework is proposed, built on declarative rules for achieving reactive and adaptive RIAs. The work consists of a novel event-condition-action rule language tailored to the needs of RIAs as well as a client-side rule engine capable of detecting complex events and executing rules.},
author = {St{ü}hmer, Roland},
keywords = {ontology},
month = {07},
school = {Universit{ä}t Karlsruhe (TH)},
title = {Complex Event Processing in AJAX-Applications with Rule Engines},
type = {Diploma Thesis},
year = 2008
}%0 Thesis
%1 Stuehmer2008
%A St{ü}hmer, Roland
%D 2008
%T Complex Event Processing in AJAX-Applications with Rule Engines
%X State of the art event-driven Rich Internet Applications (RIAs) rely on technologies like the Comet architecture or polling strategies like RSS feeds to provide a basic infrastructure for transporting events to the Web client. However, such RIAs provide no means for further processing of these events. This gap will be closed by the approach proposed in this thesis. The approach combines complex event processing and rule execution with an ontology-based object model directly on the Web client. A framework is proposed, built on declarative rules for achieving reactive and adaptive RIAs. The work consists of a novel event-condition-action rule language tailored to the needs of RIAs as well as a client-side rule engine capable of detecting complex events and executing rules. - AbstractURLBibTeXEndNoteBibSonomyDespite the huge popularity of event processing nowadays, there is a big gap between the potential usefulness of event-driven processing and the current state of the practice. One of the main reasons is the lack of a comprehensive conceptual model for the event-triggered reactivity and the corresponding framework for its management. In this paper we survey the current state of the art in event-driven architecture with special focus on event and action processing. We describe the prerequisites of a completely novel conceptual model for describing reactivity that is more close to the way people react on events: based on the ability to identify the context during which active behavior is relevant and the situations in which it is required. This approach opens a completely new view on the event processing as the way for managing a very valuable knowledge asset of every enterprise - knowledge how to react (make decisions) in event-driven situations
abstract = {Despite the huge popularity of event processing nowadays, there is a big gap between the potential usefulness of event-driven processing and the current state of the practice. One of the main reasons is the lack of a comprehensive conceptual model for the event-triggered reactivity and the corresponding framework for its management. In this paper we survey the current state of the art in event-driven architecture with special focus on event and action processing. We describe the prerequisites of a completely novel conceptual model for describing reactivity that is more close to the way people react on events: based on the ability to identify the context during which active behavior is relevant and the situations in which it is required. This approach opens a completely new view on the event processing as the way for managing a very valuable knowledge asset of every enterprise - knowledge how to react (make decisions) in event-driven situations},
author = {Schmidt, Kay-Uwe and Anicic, Darko and St{ü}hmer, Roland},
booktitle = {SBPM2008: 3rd international Workshop on Semantic Business Process Management in conjunction with the 5th European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC'08)},
keywords = {logical},
month = {06},
publisher = {CEUR Workshop Proceedings (CEUR-WS.org, ISSN 1613-0073)},
title = {Event-driven Reactivity: A Survey and Requirements Analysis},
year = 2008
}%0 Conference Paper
%1 Schmidt2008b
%A Schmidt, Kay-Uwe
%A Anicic, Darko
%A St{ü}hmer, Roland
%B SBPM2008: 3rd international Workshop on Semantic Business Process Management in conjunction with the 5th European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC'08)
%D 2008
%I CEUR Workshop Proceedings (CEUR-WS.org, ISSN 1613-0073)
%T Event-driven Reactivity: A Survey and Requirements Analysis
%U http://sbpm2008.fzi.de/paper/paper7.pdf
%X Despite the huge popularity of event processing nowadays, there is a big gap between the potential usefulness of event-driven processing and the current state of the practice. One of the main reasons is the lack of a comprehensive conceptual model for the event-triggered reactivity and the corresponding framework for its management. In this paper we survey the current state of the art in event-driven architecture with special focus on event and action processing. We describe the prerequisites of a completely novel conceptual model for describing reactivity that is more close to the way people react on events: based on the ability to identify the context during which active behavior is relevant and the situations in which it is required. This approach opens a completely new view on the event processing as the way for managing a very valuable knowledge asset of every enterprise - knowledge how to react (make decisions) in event-driven situations - AbstractURLBibTeXEndNoteBibSonomyThe increase of digital bandwidth and computing power of personal computers as well as the rise of the Web 2.0 came along with a new web programming paradigm: Rich Internet Applications. On the other hand, powerful server-side business rules engines appeared over the last years and let enterprises describe their business policies declaratively as business rules. This paper addresses the problem of how to combine the business rules approach with the new programming paradigm of Rich Internet Applications. We present a novel approach that reuses business rules for deriving declarative presentation and visualization logic. In this paper we introduce a rule-driven architecture capable of executing rules directly on the client by implementing the Rete algorithm. We propose to use declarative rules as platform independent language describing the application and presentation logic. By means of AJAX we exemplarily show how to use client-side executable rules for adapting the user interface of Rich Internet Applications. We call our approach ARRIA: Adaptive Reactive Rich Internet Applications. In order to show the usability of our approach we explain our approach based on an example taken from the financing sector.
abstract = {The increase of digital bandwidth and computing power of personal computers as well as the rise of the Web 2.0 came along with a new web programming paradigm: Rich Internet Applications. On the other hand, powerful server-side business rules engines appeared over the last years and let enterprises describe their business policies declaratively as business rules. This paper addresses the problem of how to combine the business rules approach with the new programming paradigm of Rich Internet Applications. We present a novel approach that reuses business rules for deriving declarative presentation and visualization logic. In this paper we introduce a rule-driven architecture capable of executing rules directly on the client by implementing the Rete algorithm. We propose to use declarative rules as platform independent language describing the application and presentation logic. By means of AJAX we exemplarily show how to use client-side executable rules for adapting the user interface of Rich Internet Applications. We call our approach ARRIA: Adaptive Reactive Rich Internet Applications. In order to show the usability of our approach we explain our approach based on an example taken from the financing sector.},
author = {Schmidt, Kay-Uwe and St{ü}hmer, Roland and Stojanovic, Ljiljana},
journal = {Scalable Computing: Practice and Experience},
keywords = {rule},
number = 4,
pages = {329--340},
title = {From Business Rules to Application Rules in Rich Internet Applications},
volume = 9,
year = 2008
}%0 Journal Article
%1 Schmidt2008e
%A Schmidt, Kay-Uwe
%A St{ü}hmer, Roland
%A Stojanovic, Ljiljana
%D 2008
%J Scalable Computing: Practice and Experience
%N 4
%P 329--340
%T From Business Rules to Application Rules in Rich Internet Applications
%U http://www.scpe.org/vols/vol09/no4/SCPE_9_4_09.pdf
%V 9
%X The increase of digital bandwidth and computing power of personal computers as well as the rise of the Web 2.0 came along with a new web programming paradigm: Rich Internet Applications. On the other hand, powerful server-side business rules engines appeared over the last years and let enterprises describe their business policies declaratively as business rules. This paper addresses the problem of how to combine the business rules approach with the new programming paradigm of Rich Internet Applications. We present a novel approach that reuses business rules for deriving declarative presentation and visualization logic. In this paper we introduce a rule-driven architecture capable of executing rules directly on the client by implementing the Rete algorithm. We propose to use declarative rules as platform independent language describing the application and presentation logic. By means of AJAX we exemplarily show how to use client-side executable rules for adapting the user interface of Rich Internet Applications. We call our approach ARRIA: Adaptive Reactive Rich Internet Applications. In order to show the usability of our approach we explain our approach based on an example taken from the financing sector.